Decolonizing Art History?
This seminar is primarily intended for art history faculty and graduate students, but we also welcome other faculty and grad students for whom this discussion might be pertinent.
This will be a shared conversation, rather than an individual presentation, insofar as Bishop does not consider herself an expert on this topic but someone who, like many of us, is grappling with how she might better attune her scholarship and teaching to the political imperatives of our time. We hope that this session will be a generative opportunity for us to think collectively about current shifts and problems in the discipline of art history, both on a theoretical level and on the pragmatic level of how we formulate our research projects, syllabi, and working relationships. The conversation will be grounded in a set of suggested readings (which will be provided to you when you register), and, in order to give us a more concrete example to consider, Bishop has also agreed to share the recently revised syllabus for her graduate methods course.