Coalescing Currents: Reified Ripples of Innovation at Illinois
Coalescing Currents: Reified Ripples of Innovation at Illinois
Coalescing currents is a 60 feet wide timeline portraying a mixed-reality network of 50 innovative technologies, methodologies, processes, and knowledge frameworks developed at the University of Illinois. To unpack the richness of information encoded in this piece, a layer of augmented reality exposes the fabric of colleges and research institutes supporting generative conversations over 15 decades of scholarship.
Designed by Assistant Professor Juan Salamanca in collaboration with Graduate and Undergraduate students from the College of Fine and Applied Arts, School of Information Sciences, and The Grainger College of Engineering. Dataset provided by the Illinois Distributed Museum. Sponsored by the Siebel Center for Design.
Art & Design student collaborators:
Michael Dalton, Graphic Design
Faithful Oladeji, MFA. Design for Responsible Innovation
Logan Ingold, Painting
Hristina Marcheva, Industrial Design