About Marco Trevisani Montresor

Marco Trevisani is a multi-media artist who designs and creates at the intersection of visual arts, sound, space, all linked by technology. His creative endeavors engage graphic and user-interface design, traditional and electronic music composition and performance, creative coding, and creative consulting. His broad and extensive training includes as a experimental improv pianist, musical composer, architect, and digital designer. Marco holds a joint appointments in graphic design and architecture.
His research focused on the algorithm coding as a way to approach /composition/ in any creative discipline. In his aesthetics, algorithmic design is a conceptual and scientific flow through all of the human knowledge. He consider programming algorithms as a form of universal abstraction. The art of programming produces codes that by changing the output hardware can create as much visual representations, as acoustic and music, spaces as much as digital painting. A mischievous penchant for abusing and consciously misusing both visual and sound processing tools and techniques to achieve unorthodox aesthetic goals, with a decades of experience in programming and software- based art production. In the last years has been researching on *Deep Learning* both techniques and concepts applied to algorithmic arts.

Marco Trevisani graduated in architecture at Politecnico di Milano with a thesis on the relationship between art and architecture. He moved to Vienna to study music composition, specializing in algorithmic composition in computer music and sound design at ELAK (Lehrgang Für Elektroakustische Und Experimentelle Musik An Der Universität Für Musik Und Darstellende Kunst Wien) He was invited as visiting professor at CCRMA (Center for Research in Music and Acoustics) at Stanford University, California. He later started a collaboration with the Theater Department, researching on theater production and digital technologies, in the same university. For this research he was admitted at the PhD program in Italian Literature at Stanford University.
Research and publications
Selected publications
A brief list of some artistic activities in different fields of arts
- 1989 Auf Der Stille Quartet for solo violin and electronics, ELAK, Wien
- 1990 Nunc Stans for Chamber Ensemble, commissioned by Italian Public Television (Rai3) Trieste
- 1993 El Dinosaurio Stanford, Computer generated sounds, prepared piano (Marco Trevisani) and Andrea Benatti soprano sax, Dinkenspeil Auditorium, Stanford.
- 1995 Concert Under the stars Stanford, Computer generated sounds, graphics, prepared piano (Marco Trevisani) and Lukas Ligeti, drums at San Francisco Multimedia Festival.
- 1998 Concert for solo piano and other instruments La Habana, Biennal, Primavera en la Habana, Roulette New York, Bellas Artes Belo Horizonte.
- 1999 Apagón, CD recorded in La Habana.(available on majors streaming platforms such a Qobuz, Spotify etc)
- 2000 Così è Digital Theatre, computer assisted theatre piece. Teatro Humbold, La Habana.
- 2000 Residence at OMI-ART, New York State
- 2001 ICMC (International Computer Music Conference) “Non Si Sente Niente o Quasi” Video-Live Electronics Installation, La Habana, Cuba.
- 2001 ICMC (International Computer Music Conference) Peer review coordinator for music and scientific publications.
- 2004 GRITOS, Animation Video – Winner of video art festival Puerto Rico, presented at Festival Internacional de Música Electroacústica de Santiago de Chile, "Ai-maako", Guajaquil Ecuador.
- 2007 Interactive Room , algorithmic interactive installation at the School of Architecture, Polytechnic University, San Juan.
- 2010-2022 I established the Colectivo de electrónica Isleña. An ensemble of 11 musicians and video programmers that worked on electronics improvisations, as well for movie soundtracks.
- 2015 Museo de Arte Contemporàneo de Puerto Rico, generative visual artworks in permanent collection and presentation of “Limiti” a video installation.
- 2016 Two personal exhibitions at Cuadrado Gris and Doble O art galleries, San Juan Puerto Rico.
- 2018 Finalist Premio Marchionne in Sardinia, with Digital Artwork "Couple portrait¨
- 2021 Scientific reviewer at 27th World Congress of Architects – UIA2021RIO
- 2021 Two collective virtual gallery with NFT exhibitions, Heretique 121, SecondFloor/Space
- 2022 – Audio Video Installation, Edge Learning, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Puerto Rico, that focus on the dramatic consequences of rising water level of the seas and Oceans, as effect of climate changes.
- 2022 Glitch Art is Dead exhibition in Minnesota (USA) with “Portrait of a Endangered Species” video art
- 2022 Fubar Festival Zagreb with “Operaio che legge” video art.
- 2022 – Collective at SuperchiefNFT Gallery Los Angeles/Tokyo “The Bastards – Post and Experimental Photography on the Tezos Blochchain
- 2023 -- 30x1+1x30 30 short compositions by 1 minute and 1 by 30 minutes composition for two pianos, live electronics and video graphics. Recorder in Essen, at Folkwang University. Editing stage. By Karin Schistek, Michael Edwards and Marco Trevisani
- 2023 digital dreams. Digital art exhibition Beinnale ARTour, Musee de la Mine du Developpement durable. Bois du Luc. Belgium