Alumni Profiles
Our alumni epitomize our proud history and inspire our future success. The School of Art & Design plays a key role in keeping the creative process at the forefront of our society. This is accomplished through the extraordinary work of our alumni.

Independent Artist and Freelance Designer
BFA in Graphic Design
MFA in Graphic Design
2018 and 2021

Multimedia Designer at World Relief
Champaign, Illinois
MFA in Graphic Design

Doctoral Student in Communication Arts, University of Wisconsin at Madison
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
MFA in Design for Responsible Innovation

UI/UX Designer at Welldoc
Chicago, Illinois, USA
MFA in Design for Responsible Innovation

Principal Designer at Intuit and Principal + Design Director at JP Ramirez Studio
San Francisco, California
BFA in Graphic Design

Associate Professor of Art Education at Rocky Mountain College of Art & Design
Denver, CO
BFA in Art Education

Assistant Professor of Graphic Design, Middle Tennessee State University
Nashville, Tennessee
MFA in Design for Responsible Innovation