Art & Design 3D Fab Lab
The Art & Design Fab Lab occupies three spaces on the lower lever of the Art & Design Building: Rooms 12, 20, & 32
- Monday: 8:30am–12pm, 1pm–10pm
- Tuesday: 8:30am–12:15pm, 2pm–10pm
- Wednesday: 8:30am–12pm, 1pm–10pm
- Thursday: 8:30am–12:15pm, 2pm–10pm
- Friday: 8:30am–4pm
- Saturday: closed
- Sunday: 5pm–10pm

Level 1 Equipment
Level 1 equipment is usable by all students who have completed the 3D Fabrication Lab Safety Orientation:
- Bandsaws (1/4″ to 2″ blades)
- Compound Miter Saw
- Panel Saw
- Belt/Disc Sander
- Scroll Saw
- Oscillating Spindle Sander
- Drum Sander
- Drill Press
- Hot Wire tools
- Flexshaft/Dremel tools
- Compressed Air-Pneumatic Brad Nailer/Pin Nailer/Stapler

Level 2 Equipment
Level 2 equipment requires additional specialized training. To sign up for a training go to: go.illinois.edu/artLevel2Training:
- 10” Table Saw with Sawstop
- Router Table
- Planer
- Jointer
- Wood Lathe
- Vacuum Former

Level 3 Equipment
Level 3 equipment must be used in consultation with a Lab Assistant (see Key Links above to request usage):
- CNC router
- Waterjet

Flagg Hall 3D Fab Lab
Located in room 38 in Flagg Hall
- Monday: 9am–1140pm
- Wednesday: 9am–1140pm
Level 1 (usable by all students who have completed the 3D Fabrication Lab Safety Orientation):
- Bandsaws (1/4″ to 2″ blades)
- Compound Miter Saw
- Panel Saw
- Belt/Disc Sander
- Drill Press
- Compressed Air-Pneumatic Brad Nailer/Pin Nailer/Stapler
Level 2 (specialized training must be completed before students are authorized to use these tools. To sign up for a training go to: go.illinois.edu/artLevel2Training):
- 10″ Table Saw with Sawstop
- MIG welder
- TIG welder
- Plasma Cutter
- Horizontal/Vertical Metal Cutting Bandsaws
- Sheet Metal-Bending/Rolling Tools
- Bench Grinder
- Angle Grinder