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Resources for Faculty & Staff

Purchase Request

If you need to purchase something and do not have a PCard, or your purchase is not eligible to be paid with P-Card, please submit a request in the purchasing application. Please see Section 8. Payments and Reimbursements.



**To be completed when someone not employed by the University is hurt. (Public Injury Form). All injuries should be submitted to HR for reporting and documentation.

***To be completed when an employee of the university has been hurt (2 parts – employee & supervisor). All injuries should be submitted to HR for reporting and documentation.

****Property damage forms are handled by facilities.

stack of catalogs for the bfa 2024 exhibition

Social Media / News

To submit images, video, or other content to be shared on the School’s social media accounts or news feed, send a message to

Share your and your students’ work, accomplishments, and events, or just images of students making work in the labs and studios!

stack of catalogs for the bfa 2024 exhibition