Undergraduate Minor in Community-Based Art Education
The minor approaches contemporary art, critical pedagogy, and social activism as tools that will prepare students to be effective leaders in a variety of alternative educational sites. These sites include community-based cultural organizations, museums, hospitals, prisons, non-profit organizations, art therapeutic settings, and the broader civic sphere.
This dynamic and flexible minor draws upon the expertise of Art Education faculty who have experience working as artists, educators, and social entrepreneurs in public schools, educational corporations, and community organizations. The minor allows you to draw upon a rich intersection of resources and opportunities at the University of Illinois, as well as the local community of Champaign-Urbana, as you investigate the role of the arts, design, and the humanities in public life.
For the minor, you will take foundation courses in Art Education, as well as electives across the School of Art + Design. If you do decide by the end of your undergraduate career that you want to become licensed to teach in public schools, those who have completed the minor will be in advanced standing in the Art Education program. They should be able to complete licensure in one year through our MEd program.
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