BFA in Studio Art: New Media

The Studio Art concentration in New Media provides students with an opportunity to explore the narrative, emotional, and critical potential of digital art-making tools. We employ sound, video, performance, digital imaging, and code to ask questions about our current world.

View of a landscape game on a computer screen

Daniel Harmon

Studio Art: New Media

All day every day we interact with contemporary media. From apps on phones to websites on our computers to films, games, and interactive performances on the TV. In other words, living in the world inevitably means living in, and with, new (and old) media.

The New Media concentration prepares students to navigate this landscape as artists.

We ask questions.

We probe boundaries.

We test ideas.

We work to figure out how things work.

Where things go wrong.

And how things could be different.

Students learn the what, how, and why behind digital and media art. But, more importantly we learn to center the human, to integrate analog forms and material explorations, and to think beyond ourselves to the non-human world and environment.

We create aesthetic experiences, experiments, and explorations that reveal societal challenges, ultimately pushing the world towards change.

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