Students in the BFASA who choose the concentration in Sculpture will focus on methods and concepts related to three-dimensional art, form-making, and expanded spatial practices. Contemporary sculpture practice is informed by multiple modes of ideation, making and fabrication, and utilizes a dynamic and ever-expanding set of tools, materials, techniques and approaches. The outcomes are endlessly varied, from the most traditional to the wildly experimental, in scope, scale and content. The Sculpture concentration allows students to explore the multitude of art making options available, by encouraging individual growth, collaborative engagement, and collective accomplishments.
Courses in sculpture introduce students to a variety of materials and fabrication methods with explorations in three dimensional form, concepts and ideation, including wood fabrication, mold making and casting, metal fabrication and welding, ceramics, and fiber arts. Advanced courses allow for independent practice, and encourage a more singular approach to the use of materials and methodologies, ensuring students develop their own unique path via elective courses in ceramics, fiber and soft sculpture, experimental fashion, time-based practices, video, photography, and special topic courses and seminars. We offer experiences in a variety of classrooms and shops designed to support an expansive material practice, including well-equipped wood-shops, ceramic studios, plaster and casting rooms, welding and cold metal fabrication, small-scale foundry, sewing and fiber, and digital output technologies including 3D printers, water jet and laser cutting, CNC machining, vacuum-forming, digital imaging, and sound and video editing.
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